About Us
Welcome to Coppetts Wood Primary School and Children's Centre
Coppetts Wood is a welcoming, vibrant and inclusive school, located in a diverse area of leafy North London. Despite our central location, we have the most extensive and amazing school grounds including a wooded area, green fields and a range of play areas to be explored. We are a one form entry school with a nursery, pre nursery, Children's Centre and an additional resource provision (ARP) for pupils with autism as their primary need. Currently, there are approximately 265 pupils on roll. Our extended school provision is well attended with a breakfast club and out of school hours learning as well as an after school club run by an external provider.
Our children are encouraged to become confident learners and are motivated to achieve their full potential. We believe that our children have a right to an outstanding education that will prepare them for their next steps in education and for their life in the twenty-first century. Enjoyment and achievement are at the core of this vision. Our dedicated, caring and hardworking staff team are committed to the school's vision and expectations are high and achievement and successes of all kinds are celebrated. Learning here is creative, stimulating and fun with plenty of challenge, collaboration and outdoor experiences. We hope that all our children enjoy their time at Coppetts Wood and leave with the skills and tools they need to become lifelong learners who are independent, responsible, respectful members of their community.
As you navigate through our website, I hope you get an insight into life at the school and the learning and experiences our school and Children's Centre offer. Please get in touch if you need further information or would like to visit our school to see for yourself just how wonderful it is!
Introducing our Senior Leadership Team
Anna Lippa
Faramade Alawaye
Deputy Head
Assistant Head Teacher - Inclusion, including SENDCo
Stephanie Miltiadou-Bryan
Pastoral Manager
Tom Melmoth Assistant Head: Inclusion/SENDCo Interim