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Home Learning

Here you will find some useful information, links & resources that parents/carers can use at home, if your child is absent from school, wants to access extra work, or it is the holiday period.

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play ( This is an excellent way of children learning all the timetable they need at a pace that suits them. Children should have their log-in details in their homework books.


NumBots | Motivational maths practice for schools and families. - Motivational maths practice for children in year 1 & 2. Children should have their log-in details in their homework books.


Topmarks: teaching resources, interactive resources, worksheets, homework, exam and revision help - A set of online interactive games from EYFS through to year 6.


Primary Homework Help for Kids - by Mandy Barrow - Here in the Maths Zone you will find many resources to help your child access more work through interactive games for all ages.


Maths home learning | Home learning | White Rose Maths ( - The home learning section of White Rose Maths will give parents/carers a great deal of information about teaching maths in a school. This is an excellent resource and highly recommended as Coppettswood is a White Rose Maths school. Pair these resources up with the curriculum overviews and you will understand exactly what your child needs to achieve in their current year.


Home - BBC Bitesize - A set of full resources including lessons for all ages.


Math is Fun ( - Here you can access hundreds of wonderful explanations about all things maths.


Primary Students ( - Problem-solving and challenge questions for all ages. This is a very good resource for children who are looking to work on some very hard problems.


Primary Games Arena - Carcoola Primary School ( - Loads of interactive games available for all primary age groups.


ictgames - A whole host of simple, interactive games.


I Love Maths Games - More simple, interactive maths games to keep your child's brain active in maths.


Oxford Owl for School and Home - Help for all ages from counting to tips on telling the time.


Maths Games for KS2: designed by a teacher for teachers - Mathsframe - Popular and fully interactive games for children - maths whilst playing a game.


Getting on With Numbers | National Numeracy Challenge - National Numeracy Challenge is a site designed to help parents/carers who themselves feel that they are not confident in maths.


Money Games and Online Financial Resources | MoneySense ( - Helping parents teach their children how to be money savvy and build for a better financial future.


Maths ideas:

Ask children to write their wish list for birthday or Christmas. Use Argos/Symths catalogue or online catalogues to calculate the total cost. Set a budget. Can they create a list within this budget?


Set a weekly pocket money limit. How long will it take to save for a specific item? Challenge your child to save towards buying this item for themselves. 


Use the instant recall document to help your child practice and recall number facts quickly.